Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Alaska Daze, 1931 cartoon

"A Television print of a classic 1930s cartoon. Identify its original title for fun! This was shot amateurishly off the wall with my macbook, from 16mm."

I talked to the guy who filmed this. We're trying to figure out the character and name of the original cartoon. Who did it? I think it looks a little like Lantz. I thought it was Lantz's 1930 Oswald Rabbit cartoon, Alaska (Lantz took it over from Mintz and Disney). However, the filmer said he saw that production and this isn't it.

He says that somebody told him this cartoon is from 1931, but that's all they know. It's amazing, isn't it?

It makes sense that it isn't Oswald. It looks more like a dog's tail and ears. Besides, here's Lantz's Oswald, from the 1933 production, The Zoo:

Lantz was obviously copying Mickey's look as much as possible. Here's Mickey's 1933 production, Mickey's Mechanical Man:

So I dunno. Anybody know?


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