Monday, August 11, 2008

Disneyland Tips

For one tip, I typically go on Pirates right before Fantasmic. It’s a two-minute line and you can walk right off of it and the show’s right there. I then just find a spot under the rope to watch the show.

I would also argue that the last three or so hours of the park are the best. Plus the first three or so hours are pretty good.

So I’d plan a restaurant trip, movie, trip back to the hotel, or watching longer shows during midday, and I’d grab a fast pass or two for midday as well. The bulk of the rides would be riden in the morning and the evening. If you plan your day smart, your longest line could only be 15 minutes long.

Plus it helps to go on a weekday during a non-pique season. My wife and I go the week after New Years. It’s dead. If it happens to be raining on that day, then, well, we own the park. =^)

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