Friday, July 08, 2011

Johnny Depp Pirates Parody - Pirates of the Caribbean (collab with GagaManMusic)

Keira Knightley tells Johnny Depp her movie ideas backstage while filming Pirates of the Caribbean.

TheHill88 (Caitlin Hill) lends her voice as Keira Knightley in this behind the scenes look at Pirates of the Caribbean. Caitlin's channel:

Unfortunately, Keira didn't make it into the fourth pirates movie. So this would probably make more sense with Penelope Cruz. Regardless, it's a Keira piece and inspired by Lisa Nova's old videos. In fact, Caitlin's voice clips were recorded back in 2007, and this is her doing an impression of Lisa Nova doing an impression of Keira Knightley. =^)

Be sure to check out the animator's channel (animated in Flash):

And Johnny Depp's voice is provided by Louis from OverUnderWear (check out their Walken video):

The music is by Kevin Macleod and used under Creative Commons Licensing.

Intro logo animation by...

Check out the end of this video for lots of options of our other animations. Thanks!


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